Lets fight COVID-19 together
Hi guys, its been a long time since I haven't wrote due to my busy schedule.
I hope you are doing well and staying safe amidst this tough situation. Its a hard time for all of us fighting this dreadful Corona Virus(COVID-19).
We have learned so much about the virus by now and what are the precautions we should be taking to prevent and overcome this disease.
Let me explain you in brief about this virus and what it actually does to your body and what are the things that you can do to prevent it.
What is COVID 19 and what it does to the body??

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. It is more or less like the common flu or common cold which causes respiratory illness like pneumonia. We see its symptoms after 14 days which makes it easier for transmission if we are not careful.
It spreads through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. There is no specific treatment or vaccines till date for COVID 19. However, scientist are still working to find a cure for it.
The best thing that we can do to prevent or slow down its transmission is by frequently washing our hands and using an alcohol based hand sanitizer which would kill the virus upto a certain extent.Including Vitamin C and Vitamin B enriched food items in our daily diet can also be of great help in fighting this disease as they boost up our immune system.
The present scenario of this virus spreading throughout the globe is very ugly.
People from all over the countries have been affected by this virus. Many people lost their lives and some are still fighting for their lives.The human race is going through a very tough time at the moment but I hope and pray that this will soon come to an end one day.
We all are aware of the fact that The Virus which started from China is not confined to China anymore, it has affected other countries as well. It has taken lives that cannot be brought back. With all the news about the virus how severe do you this this virus is?? Guys let me tell you that this virus is not a joke, do not take it lightly, the damage it can do to the human body is far beyond imagination to the extend that your body gives up fighting against the virus and you die,
We very well know that prevention is better than cure, so the best way to stay protected from this virus is by SOCIAL DISTANCING and also by taking up some important precautions like frequent washing of hands, using hand sanitizers and masks. These precautions can be a very helpful tool in fighting against this virus.
Despite of this alarming situation across the globe. Its a great sight to see how people are uniting and fighting this disease together. Many countries have taken certain measures to make sure that people are safe. they have indulged in the closure of public gathering places like malls, parks, cafeterias etc except for some grocery stores, health care centres, banks, ATM's. They have also restricted the movement of certain vehicles. Educational institutions have been shut down and students are encouraged for online classes. People are working from homes. We are blessed to live in a world where technology has advanced so much that it is being a great help at this crisis.
The health care professionals are currently standing and fighting at the front line of this dreadful pandemic. Its is amazing and encouraging to see the sacrifice they are making for the people which makes us believe in life and humanity. The doctors and nurses are coming out of their comfort zones and giving their best in saving the lives of the patients. We can see a lot going in the social media how these health professional are leaving no stones unturned to better the situation. We must be forever grateful for their handwork and sacrifice.
There are people who earn and have savings to combat situations like this but there are also people who work on daily basis for their livelihood and that is how they meet the basic needs of their family. Now, when the whole world is locked down people like this are affected to a great extend. It is heart rending to see people suffer this way. There is least we can do by being a help to such people.
Yes, now we are suffering but at the end it will be all good. Lets pray together with faith for the situation to get better and also for those people who are infected by this virus, Lets pray for the people who have lost their loved ones. Its not easy for us to go through such situation and the only strength to overcome this comes from god. So lets keep each other in prayers.
The internet has always been helpful in providing valuable information to the people through social media like Instagram, twitter, Facebook etc. but at the same time it also provides information that are not true and valid which not only creates confusion but also leads to stress, depression and anxiety which is very wrong and mentally unhealthy for the people.
I would encourage people to access information regarding the novel corona virus through valid and genuine sources and not rely on other fake sources to avoid panic and stress. You can also get all the updates from the WHO website which provides accurate information
Please do not panic or stress but instead spend your time doing things that makes you happy. Make a call to your friend ask them how they are. Video call to your bests friends whom you cannot wait to meet. You will feel so much better when you do this.
Yes self quarantine is boring as we human are social animals but why risks somebody's life and also our life by being foolish and selfish. Why not do something that we haven't done before? Why not learn a new skill? or bake a cake and read some interesting books ?You can use this time doing so much don't let this just pass people
Things to do when we are in quarantine:
- Read books that you bought long time ago but haven't read due to your busy schedule.
- Spend time feeding on the word of God. Guys at this time we need to seek our strength from no where but from God.
- Watch good movies on Netflix, I personally enjoy watching animation and thriller movies.
- Bake a cake, if you are baking for the first time don't be scared just do it, come on we learn from our mistakes.

- Learn a new skill, it could be anything may be learning a new language, a musical instrument or calligraphy
- Make greeting cards for your loved ones. Guys we know this situation will come to an end one day and we are going to unite with our friends, families and loved ones again. Why not meet them with a beautiful greeting card with thoughtful words and tell them how much you've missed them.

- Make DIY's now this will depend on whether you have the DIY's supplies or not but with the little you have you can make the most out of it by being creative.
- Paint something that attracts you out of your window, guys thats very interesting don't mind for the mess though.

- Pamper your pet if you have one and take care of them.
- Clean you room and arrange your messy wardrobe, jewellery boxes and rags, you will find alot of items that you thought were lost.

- Besides all these activities don't forget to take care of yourself. Stay clean, eat a proper diet, and practice indoor fitness exercises and yogas to keep yourself fit and healthy.
- Do eat a lot of veggies and vitamin C to boost your immune system.
You are doing great my dear,,,,,.....wish to see you soon...after this lockdown🤗🤗
ReplyDeleteThank you so much
ReplyDeleteThis is to inform the general public that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,in collaboration with The Asia Foundation are donating the sum of $200,000,000 (Two hundred Thousand Dollars to individuals ,Business owners and farmers,students who were infected by this Wuhan Corona Virus and affliction called Covid-19 has engulfed our lives in ways that has crippled our individual well-being,This Covid-19 Relief package were set up to help business owners,farmers, student and individuals during and after the coronavirus pandemic,If you want to Be part to receive this offer from Asia Foundation apply now,All Applicants should apply with id card to receive this Covid-19 Relief package
ReplyDeleteContact Details:
Email: asiafoundationcovid@gmail.com
Email: asiafoundationgroup@inbox.lv
Blogspot: https://covidreliefpackage.blogspot.com/
Mrs.Jane Sloane
Senior Director